Affordable wifi broadband internet providers South Africa


South Africa has several telecom players, but no one can beat Ubuntuband in terms of the Internet speed and value. The country has recently got connected with fibre links to the Internet through significant investment. At Ubuntuband, we are able to avail internet services such as wi fi and broadband at a lower cost and hence, we are the leader among affordable wifi and broadband internet providers in South Africa. The hug completion in the market has enabled us to offer you several economical internet services. Choose the one from the plans we offer.

Affordable Internet is your need
The economy of South Africa is very poor and hence, unemployment is very high. So, most you can find it expensive to visit one company to another for seeking a job. Having the Internet connection can make you to fulfil all your needs at a lower cost. Apart from searching a new job, you can do your works related to travel, medical and others related to your daily life. To comprehend the importance the affordable wifi and broadband Internet services, have a look at a few facts:

• The submission of the job application online has become essential. Around 75% companies in South Africa ask the candidates to do so. It means you can’t have job without the use of the Internet.
• The Internet can help you to get education without going to a school, college or university. With the support of it, you can earn higher degree at your home through online education.
• It helps you stay connected with your family members, friends, relatives and colleagues without calling them. You can send SMS, MMS and mails using several applications.
• You can use your affordable Internet service to book travel & movie tickets and to access information on any topics of interest.

Available unlimited wifi and broadband packs
At Ubuntuband, we are one of the most affordable wifi broadband internet service providers in South Africa. We offer several plans to our customers like you. The plans are

• 10 MBS Unlimited
• 30 MBS Unlimited
• 100 MBS Unlimited

The cost of all these plans differs. You need to choose the one that suits your need and budget. 10 MBS unlimited broadband access adsl is the most affordable wifi and broadband internet service for you as you have to pay only R 1, 999 a month. You can go for other plans if you have huge need. Be ready to pay R 4,999 and R 11, 999 for 30 MBS and 100 MBS Unlimited plans.

Select the one for uninterrupted internet service!

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